States of Matter Crossword Puzzle


Solid – State with definite shape and volume
Liquid – State with definite volume but no fixed shape
Gas – State with neither definite shape nor volume
Plasma – High-energy state of matter with charged particles
Meltingpoint – Temperature at which a solid turns into a liquid
Condensation – Gas to liquid phase change
Freezingpoint – Temperature at which a liquid turns into a solid
Sublimation – Solid to gas phase change
Boilingpoint – Temperature at which a liquid turns into a gas
Deposition – Gas to solid phase change
Kinetic – Energy associated with the motion of particles
Evaporation – Liquid to gas phase change at the surface
Vaporization – Process of turning into a vapor or gas
Criticalpoint – Conditions beyond which a gas cannot be liquefied
Triplepoint – Unique set of conditions where all three phases coexist
Viscosity – Measure of a liquid’s resistance to flow

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