Reproduction Crossword Puzzle


Fertilization – Union of an egg and sperm.
Ovulation – Release of an egg from the ovary.
Testes – It producing sperm and testosterone.
Fallopian Tube – Tube connecting the ovary to the uterus.
Zygote – The initial cell formed after fertilization.
Uterus – Organ where a fertilized egg implants and develops.
Estrogen – Sex hormone produced by the ovaries.
Sperm – Male reproductive cells.
Menstruation – Monthly shedding of the uterine lining.
Embryo – Developing from fertilization to about 8 weeks.
Ejaculation – Release of sperm from male reproductive system.
Progesterone – Hormone that prepares the uterine lining for pregnancy.
Gonads – Term for reproductive organs (testes or ovaries).
Conception – The moment when sperm fertilizes an egg.
Amniotic Fluid – Fluid surrounding the developing fetus.
Placenta – Organ that passes nutrients and oxygen to a fetus.
Follicle – Fluid-filled sac containing an immature egg.
Infertility – Inability to conceive a child.
Prenatal – Pertaining to the period before birth.
Genitals – External reproductive organs.

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