Plant Cells Crossword Puzzles


Wall – The cell ______provides structural support to plant cells.
Chloroplast – Site of photosynthesis in plant cells.
Vacuole – Large storage organelle  in plant cells.
Mitochondria – Produces energy through cellular respiration.
Cytoplasm – Gel-like substance where cellular activities occur.
Nucleus – Control center of the cell.
Reticulum – Endoplasmic _______ is involved in protein synthesis.
Apparatus – The Golgi _______ packages proteins for transport.
Starch – Storage form of glucose in plant cells.
Membrane – cell ______Regulates what enters and exits the cell.
Nucleolus – Substructure within the nucleus, produces ribosomes.
Organelle – Specialized structure within a cell.
Cytoskeleton – Support and maintains cell shape.
Vacuole – fluid-filled sac in plant cells for storage.
Ribosome – Synthesizes proteins in the cell.
Cellulose – Structural polysaccharide in plant cell walls.


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